
Artist | Idiot | Sleepy

Midwestern, chronically ill and slow to draw artist. I appreciate any support and patience and I hope you enjoy what I make <3Please ask me about my OCs, it'd make my day <3


Chibi- 45 USD
Bust: 60 USD
Half/Thigh: 90 USD
Full: 140 USD
Extra characters add an additional 75% base price to the cost, though I will not do illustrations with more than 3 characters together.
Please click the following link to submit a commission request, and please make sure to read over the TOS <3

Things to know:All payments upfront, larger projects can be negotiated for a payment plan [300$ and up].I am chronically ill so commissions take roughly 4-6 weeks to complete. I will keep you updated when things have to slow down. <3I will do:
Suggestive SFW
Heavy armor
Full TOS can be found on VGen!

About Me

My main interests include FMA, DBD, D&D and horror [games, movies, etc]FMA has been a HUGE influence on my work and it's a large part of my personality. That being said I'm not too active in the fandom outside of fanart and merch collecting. I prefer to be left out of the usual discourse in the fandom regarding shipping, so please don't involve me.I'm a tag your stuff, mute your keywords kind of person. Don't harass people, respect people's boundaries, and make sure to set your own as well. Don't interact with content you don't want to see, etc. all that.Full disclosure, I keep all of my "problematic" work on a separate, 18+ locked account. I block people there based on content they don't want to see, and I would hope people block me back [which people have!].I'm very shy but don't mind chatting in replies or being sent curiouscat's. I really want to try branching out and communicating more but it's very difficult for me and I can seem rather distant, so patience is always appreciated. <3

  • Sometimes I stream games or artwork- I'd like to do it full time but working against my body and brain has made it a tad difficult.

  • I am also currently reworking the entirety of my webcomic- Sigil Gates! You can read about it in another tab. Currently the written version is being posted on AO3 and Tapas.

Sigil's Gates Logo

As Nick arrives at the biggest turning point in his life, things take a turn when he stumbles head-first into his father's quarrels with Nightingale, an organization dedicated to protecting the public from Signa. Supposedly.

Sigil's Gates Nia

You can read the written version of Sigil Gates on AO3 or Tapas ahead of the Comic Versions updates!

Sigil's Gates Nia

Sigil Gates is my original webcomic that is currently under rework, previously titled "Placebo Zero". As the plot has changed drastically, as well as some characterizations, I've decided it's best to do an entire retcon. Updates will be posted on Twitter!

Artwork people have made for me!! I love it when people think of me enough to wanna draw my OCs ;w;


Nikilah by Artifedex !! click for link


Leo by mixinabi!! Click for link <3

Nikilah by Flora!! I don't have a link bc this one was sent on discord but when I get one!!!! it'll be here


Nia and Leo chibis by Artifedex!